Teaching from his own bible.

ST. PETERSBURG FL – As if building a congregation according to text written over one thousands years ago wasn’t difficult enough, a Christian pastor at a local church has now decided to preach from his own bible in an effort to take a more apologetic emphasis toward today’s culture.


First Baptist church pastors Damian Gerke and Luke Langston claim “The teaching and/or instruction in the word must come in a different place in the organization. In our structure that means in community, in relationship. Specifically in our Community Groups”.


Gerke and Langston add “The goal of our preaching is not to challenge or confront. The goal of our preaching is to introduce people to Jesus”. An important question brought up by FBC small group members is “What about those who already have a relationship with Jesus?”


Christian minister and St. Pete First Baptist attendee Rev. Dan St.Pierre testifies the most shocking part of Walter Draughon's preaching is the obvious “Waltered down milk” fed to FBC’s spiritual babies instead of the actual Word of God found in the bible. “Walter tells boring stories about turkey hunting, painting or overflowing trash cans instead of actual parables from the Word.



Pastor Dr. Walter Draughon preaching at First Baptist Church in St. Petersburg FL

Senior pastor Dr. Walter Draughon preaching at First Baptist church on Gandy Blvd. Draughon continues to be unavailable to comment on this or any other blasphemous preaching allegations taking place at FBC.


He adds “the worse part of harvesting spiritual babies and not feeding them the exact Word of God is that they eventually feel the need to move-on and seek another church”. Another FBC small group member and daycare volunteer agrees “our church is like a Mcdonald’s. If you want something that’s not on the menu, then go somewhere else!”


FBC pastors Gerke and Langston admit “Like it or not, by-and-large we preach to a postmodern audience that has tuned out the canned message of the church.This culture sees the church through the lens of irrelevance and curious disdain, if not disgust.


We intentionally choose our words, phrases and style to try to communicate in a language that they will understand.”


A Saddleback church member since October 2000, Reverend Dan St.Pierre knows a good preacher when he sees one. Serving under Rick Warren, pastor of America's largest church and author of the best selling nonfiction book of all time (The Purpose Driven Life), Dan strongly disagrees with FBC's preaching style the problem with choosing your own words involves blasphemous preaching. During recent sermons pastor Draughon was heard making claims that were in not only in contradiction of the new and old testaments, his teachings were pure blasphemy and seemed to be pulled from his own bible!


With this in mind I ask, is Walter Draughon a postmodern Baptist teacher or a mere Cult leader? Judging from the testimonies and statements herein, I say he's neither. He's just a guy with a theological doctorate trying to lead lost souls to Jesus. My only concern as a Christian is that he may be among the many that are invited to the Kingdom of God but not among the chosen ones.


Sebastian Ponce
Thrive Through Christ Ministries Gazette