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One more week begins, blessed are those who look to God to lead their footsteps as each day brings new challenges, new opportunities to touch others positively. Taking life one day at a time is one way to look at things, but contemplating "the big picture" can also bring much inspiration.

One of the difficult aspects of living a purpose driven life is we won't know we fully fulfilled our life's mission until we've left our bodies and entered heaven. Of course, living our entire lives according to God's will puts the odds in our favor but how does one know for certain? How does anyone know they lived up to God's expectations?

The answer to that question is a simple one: Live according to His word. Live a righteous life, loving others as God loves us. Each and every day, give, share, listen, inspire and obey our all mighty father.

We are all entitled to His love, His forgiveness, His kingdom. Though we are all invited to rejoice with Him in eternal life, only a few of us will get the chance to walk through the pearly gates of Heaven. The reason for this is most people never seek God, they never reach out and ask for His unconditional love which is there for the taking.

Some people choose to wait until they're laying on their death bed when only a few breaths separate them from Hell. A simple prayer not only saves their soul from darkness but lifts them to the Heavens where we all belong.

Please don't wait to accept God as your savior, as your inspiration. Start living each day as if you only had a few breaths left and serve God each chance you get. Much like Jesus himself, become a servant and touch those around you with righteousness, will love.

With each day that passes, God will continue to bless your life and before you know it, looking back will bring on feelings of fulfillment beyond anything you ever dreamed! Let's pray…

Weekly Prayer   Back to Top

Father God;
We thank you for your love and all that surrounds us
And for the inspiration you provide in our lives,
We thank you for each day you allow us to enjoy life
So that we may fulfill our mission on earth.

Lord we pray you will continue to bless us, our families and friends
And keep providing for our daily needs,
So that we have the tools we require to serve you
Living each day as you would, as you did.

We ask you strengthen us in the week ahead
And keep us from evil, from selfishness, from doom,
And drive us to be the best we can be.

God we ask that you forgive our sins
And that you inspire us to live perfect lives,
Following in your footsteps
Living according to your will, to your word.

Praise God,

This message was written by Rev. Daniel St.Pierre
Phone: 727.674.5681

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